

Quote of the Day By Miria Cook for May 8, 2013

These Beautiful Messengers of Light work tirelessly to Guide & Protect us whether we believe in them or not.  Our Angels know what the big picture is for us, if we’ll only ask them for Guidance and Support…..

The real question is how to we trust ourselves to know that answer ?


By listening for that Truth with your Heart because that’s where the your Intuition will rings it’s truest…..

May Your Angels Light Your Way to Divine Love & Healing

copyright 2013 Miria Cook

Angel Voices

Quote of the Day by Miria Cook for April 7, 2013

Our Higher Angels are always talking to us but are we always listening ?

Your Inner Voice of Intuition, the language of the Soul, is your key to hearing & understanding the Guidance available to you from Our Powerful Friends in the Angelic Realms.