Archive | April 2013

Authentic Self

Quote of the Day By Miria Cook for April 24, 2013

We layer onto ourselves thick skins of false protection – Ego Constructions — and so attach ourselves to them imagining that this is the Real Self.Tree of Knowledge

And yet what we think will help us is really a burden in disguise.

Often it is through a single significant emotional event in our life that this is revealed to us.

Then the realization comes that only by stripping away these false layers of security that we really don’t need the carry anymore — they do not serve us well — will we be able to show the true manifestation of Our Light, Our Brave, Our True Our Dedicated Heart and…. Our Authentic Self….Our Soul.

May the Light of Spirit Always Guide You……
to Divine Love & Healing

copyright 2013 Miria Cook

Divine Love

Light of Spirit to Guide Us to Love & Healing

Light of Spirit to Guide Us to Love & Healing

Quote of the Day By Miria Cook for April 16, 2013

The Healing Power of Divine Love is the ultimate response to healing anguish.

It is the most courageous thing that one can do in Life – it is, by far, the most difficult because it means defying all other urges and replacing them with the need to seek Truth & Reconciliation.

May the Light of Spirit Always Guide You……
to Divine Love & Healing

Being Kind

Quote of the Day by Miria Cook for April 10, 2013

Being kind & loving to others is important, necessary and just in this somewhat chaotic world if we are to get along.

But here’s the thing:  often do we simple forget to be kind to our Soul  ?  Intuition helps you to listen and learn what you need to nurture & nourish your Soul.

Plumbing The Surprising Depths of the Spirit

Plumbing The Surprising Depths of the Spirit

Intuition Affords The Opportunity To Glimpse Beneath The Surface to The Extraordinary !

To quote Jane Austen: ” it is a truth universally acknowledged…”  that all Human Beings are intuitive by nature.

And in fact, I believe that we Humans are intuitive (and consequently psychic) by Evolution and that our connection to the Divine is biologically hard-wired.

We started out with our basic instincts to survive – fight or flight – to ensure the survival of the species and when you’re busy trying to survive, you are thinking about how and where you next meal is coming from and not what your Life Purpose is !

As we evolved, so did our culture and society develop into more & more complex social groups and sophisticated social relationships.

It is the impetus to evolve between basic needs of to survive – food, shelter and reproduction – and towards the more sophisticated needs to creating complex social interaction that lead, I believe, to the refinement of our instinct into what we know as intuition.

Intuition as defined by the ability to distinguish a non-verbal (seeing images versus words), abstract, cognitive right-brained function that leads us to sensing, feeling, and to a knowingness of something much deeper than what is immediately evident through primal emotions of fear or gratification.

And like a talented singer – born with the right vocal cords and having the right kind of training to makes extraordinary beautiful sounds – Intuitives, Psychics, Spiritual Mediums, Spiritual Channels are born with an innate ( and genetic ! ) predisposition to fairly well-developed intuition and psychic ability. How these gifts of insight ( the sight within ) are  developed and what can be done with them will be the subject of the next few articles – stay tuned !

copyright 2013 Miria Cook

Inner Voice

Quote of the Day by Miria Cook for April 8, 2013

Inner Voice emanates from your profound connection to Infinite Intelligence which is the source of all Beingness. It is defined by deep knowingness that permeates through the very core of your being. It is quiet & still and though it can have a sense of urgency, it will not make you feel anxious. It will give you a feeling of quiet Spiritual Awareness & Guidance.

Angel Voices

Quote of the Day by Miria Cook for April 7, 2013

Our Higher Angels are always talking to us but are we always listening ?

Your Inner Voice of Intuition, the language of the Soul, is your key to hearing & understanding the Guidance available to you from Our Powerful Friends in the Angelic Realms.

Quote of the Da…

Quote of the Day by Miria Cook for April 4, 2013

The successful in this world understand the difference between being self-made and being self actualized. Both are driven for our need for validation. The first is generally defined by materialism, driven by Ego and is transient because it is of this world. The latter is a manifestation of our deeper need for connection to Soul and lasts for eternity.